Saturday Shenanigans

The Hubby and I try to make a standing ‘date’ with each other once a month.  It’s important, with all the stress of life – good and bad – that we take time for each other.  This month we headed over to Winchester Brew Works for a few hours of local beer and board games.

Winchester Brew Works is the newest nano brewery in our area.  We’re lucky to have a total of three now; Escutcheon Brewery and The Backroom Brewery.  I’ve tasted the libations at all three and there is simply no way to choose my favorite.  They each have something delicious and original to offer.

SO Delicious

The Hubby had Fireroad Chipotle Smoked Porter, and I had the Coconut Canoe Love.  Man, that Canoe Love was SO good, we had to get a growler to take home.  And as it is in our lives, good beer usually comes with good friends!  We hadn’t seen Brandon and Tory for over a month.  We were celebrating not only Tory’s birthday, but their four-year anniversary as well.

Good Friends = Good Times

I packed a few different board games, and after filling (and re-filling) our pint glasses, we decided on Harbour.  The object of the game is to move your piece around the ‘board’, buy properties, and win.  You can play with two players, but it was really fun to have the full four.  None of us had played Harbour before, but I can say it was quick to learn, and a lot of fun.

The Set-Up
I Won!

We also brought along ‘Sushi Go’, a really fast and fun card game that can be played with 2-4 people.  This was one we got addicted to the last time Tina and Steve were here.  A total of three rounds, you try to make the most sushi combos and earn the most points.  And finally, we packed ‘Exploding Kittens’, which we absolutely love, but didn’t get a chance to play.  If you are a fan of ‘Cards Against Humanity’, then you will love Exploding Kittens.  Trust me on this one.

It was a Saturday afternoon well spent, and I can’t wait until we get to see those two crazy kids again.  Who knows what we’ll get into the next time we get together?  I can assure you, it will involve craft beer and nerd game goodness!

I Can’t Think Of Anything Better